Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Inspiration Part 2: Color Quest

Jasmine's next assignment was to photograph colors we like. While I've tried, this has been so much harder than you would expect! So in order to get some of my assignment done I used my handy best friend Pinterest. Oh, do I love Pinterest! I created a board just for my color quest and went to work. 
While I only created my logo and color scheme a year ago, just through this small assignment I've realized nothing seems to actually fit me. I was actually really surprised, I thought that what I had created was a perfect professional visual depiction of me. Until now, when stepping back I see that I will be heading into an entirely different direction. 
So here is what I have created and the colors I have currently chosen, which I'm sure will change and develop again. I'm excited to see if I can change this into something that I truly love and depicts everything about me. Again, feedback is always appreciated!

I'm thinking in the new packaging that glitter also must be involved. In all honesty what fits me better than glitter!?

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