Tuesday, January 29, 2013

ReSTARt and The New Year: Also known as Inspiration Part 1

I've been putting a lot of thought and work into my business lately. Even with all of the amazing clients and work I've had I've been considering taking a big step back and looking at what I am really creating with my photography. I think most other creative minds understand that while you are improving your work constantly it can become difficult to convince yourself that you can keep improving and that you are creating something meaningful. It becomes very easy to get discouraged and that is when your work begins to suffer. You need to believe that you can keep developing and you are creating beautiful work that people appreciate.  

Jasmine Star recently hosted her first session of ReSTARt on CreativeLIVE (which I sadly was only able to catch small bits of!). What I did see however has inspired me to continue with looking at my business and to keep working and to keep going. So over the next few weeks I will be following her assignments and other CL sessions as well as some other personal posts on what inspires me and my work. At the end I'm hoping to put together a stylized shoot that will encompass everything I feel creatively and wholly describe myself as a photographer and what I have developed my business into. It may also result in some logo and website changes. I know it seems like I'm always changing my logo! Just working toward perfection ;)

So to start! Here are the three words I have chosen to best describe my business, along with a selection of my work that I feel fits these words and the feeling that I am looking to create for my photography business. 


I always appreciate feedback throughout this entire process. I'd also love to hear the three words you would choose for my business, so please feel free to comment.


  1. Your word fit perfectly! You have incredible connection in your images and great colors!

  2. innocent (when I look at the photos as a whole), simple, and honest.

  3. I love that you are doing this Cat. I'd thought about it but I'm allowing my busy life to dictate right now (not always the best idea) and I didn't make time for it. I love, love, love that you are doing this though. For you, for your business, for your creativity. Way to go. :)

  4. Thanks Stevi! Sarah I really like Honest, maybe I'll have to do a little reworking on my words. And thank you Vanessa! I'm a bit behind after being so busy in AK but I'm really excited to work on it and see where it takes me :)


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